Welcome to the Sharjah Abortion Clinic
Sharjah Women’s Health Clinic is a private abortion clinic established to provide women with safe and effective termination services. We recognise how difficult and sensitive the issue of an unplanned pregnancy can be, and our goal is to make your experience one in which you feel calm, informed, dignified and safe. Sharjah Women’s Clinic in Sharjah UAE, is a pregnancy termination abortion clinics, womens clinic offering same-day abortions services. Trustmedicaluae.com Medsabudhabi.com .
Safe Abortions Sharjah UADE
Below is some information to help inform you about the nature and effects of the medicines used in the medical termination of pregnancy. This information is intended to help educate you, so you can make an informed decision.
The Abortion Pill is a synthetic ‘anti-progesterone’ medication. By preventing the effects of progesterone in the uterus, this medicine interferes with implantation and placental development, resulting in the foetus not growing.
The abortion pill also softens the cervix and makes the uterus more likely to expel the pregnancy, especially if used in combination with another medication, which is a “prostaglandin like” medication.
The Medical Process
Medication abortion is accomplished by using a combination of two medications which work together to terminate a pregnancy. The first pill is called mifepristone (commonly known as the abortion pill.) It stops your ovaries from producing the hormone, progesterone – which is needed for pregnancy. The second pill is called misoprostol and needs to be taken six to 48 hours after taking the first pill has been taken. It causes cramping and bleeding, which results in your uterus being emptied.
The Abortion Procedure
Surgical abortion is commonly performed in the first trimester, (up to 12 weeks’ gestation period) – it has a low risk when performed during this timeframe. The procedure can also be performed when you’re in your second trimester (up to 20 weeks). However, the surgery is more complicated if undergone at this point.
Based on the gestation (stage of your pregnancy), our nurses and doctors will recommend what safe abortion procedure is right for you. Our prices are affordable and abortion clinics are located across South Africa.
Diagnosis and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
We specialize in diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy of all types. Whether the pregnancy is located in the Fallopian tube, cervix, uterine cornua, cesarean scar, or elsewhere in the pelvis, we can accurately diagnose the ectopic pregnancy and develop a minimally invasive management plan. We have successfully treated cesarean scar implantations without surgery. Similarly, we have treated tubal ectopics, cornual ectopics and cervical ectopic pregnancies with ultrasound-guided therapies. We tailor the management plan to the specifics of each patient’s case.
What you could expect from an abortion
As with every other aspect of a woman’s body, the physical side effects after an abortion differ from woman to woman.
Think of it this way: you may have one friend who loves being on the pill and suffers no ill effects, and another who experience a whole range of unpleasant symptoms and downright hates it!
Every woman’s body reacts differently to the same things, for a multitude of reasons. The same goes for abortion. Some women bounce back quickly, while others find it takes a bit longer.
Most common physical side effects after abortion
These side effects are often reported, and could last for two to four weeks after the procedure. They’re relatively normal after a termination, and unless they become severe, they aren’t cause for undue concern.
- Abdominal pain and cramping
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Spotting and/or bleeding
If you use an approved abortion provider and your procedure is carried out by qualified medical professionals, you shouldn’t experience any symptoms more serious than those listed above.
However, not all women go the route of legal abortions. Some turn to illegal providers, and that’s where the side effects can become dangerous and even life-threatening Al Nahda quarter Al Majaz Al Gharb Al Qasimiah Al Sharq Al Seneyat Al Jazeera suburb Tugariet Muwaileh Al Riqah suburb Halwan suburb Al Hyrah Suburb Mughaider suburb Wasit suburb Muwaiih suburb Al Sajaah Al Ruqa Al Hamra University City Rahmaniyah suburb Basaten Al Zubair Al Budaiya suburb Khalid Sea Port Al Siyuh suburb Al Zubair Kaya Masaar Al Jlail Al Shnouf Suburb of Jweza Mehathab Al Tayy suburb Al Sidairah Sir Abu Nu’ayr Abu Musa Sharjah City Abortion service Trustmedicaloman.com Abortion Clinics Womens clinic drjoeclinics.com | Topabortions.com | Theabortions.com | Interabortions.com | Durban | Soweto | Pretoria | Johannesburg| Cape Town Soweto Cape Town Durban Pretoria Johannesburg Dubai , Muscat , Soweto, Durban, The abortions, Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Women’s Clinic Dubai , Muscat , Soweto, Durban, The abortions, Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Women’s Clinic
New Patient Sharjah
Our clinic focuses on contraceptive means of family planning in Sharjah which most clinics would not be able to address. We provide counselling for patients with complicated medical and contraceptive needs. Our appointments are one-to-one consultation with a gynaecologist or a professional nurse which will help you decide on best contraception for you.

Dr. Raymond
Master of Abortion
Safe medical abortion pills in Sharjah
abortion doctor in Sharjah, Dr. Raymond